The new Forum

Hi Rich,

Thank you.

Couldn’t post just “Thank you” as post must be more than 20 characters.

I noticed the “no more than 3 consecutive posts” item when I first logged in and was told my status by Discourse. It seems to be a part of the standard settings for everyone of a given access level built into the backend.


At present this “uncategorised” section of the forum is open to anyone rather than only visible to members. Should there be a section that is publicly visible but with restricted posting ability (committee/moderators) and a members only miscellaneous area?


Between the prototype, modelling, society and lounge sections I think we have everything covered for the main sections, not sure what else we would need that would fall under miscellaneous but happy to add to it if there is a need

The uncategorised section is intended to be the external facing board, makes sense as you say to limit posting to committee so I will have a look at changing the permissions later. Adding some more meaningful topics to it (membership info, forum rules etc) is on the to do list