DEMU Members Feedback on Discourse

Just found out that post must be a minimum of 20 characters - not including spaces.

I think thats mostly reasonable, stops threads with rubbish like ‘F’ or ‘yeah, me too!’ that you get on some other forums at least.

But that’s other fora.
We shouldn’t expect that sort of trashtalk on demu… :wink:

Very true! Something to consider though. We’re all learning this new system atm, and its quirks.

Either way it will be a huge improvement over the other types of forum software, which always feel somewhat late 90s in their appearance and rather clunky.

Is anyone else having problems logging into the old site?

Yes, it appears to be broken at present. I’ve sent an email to Guy and hopefully when he has some time he’ll take a look.

Many thanks.

I thought I was going mad just after midnight - thought that yesterday I might have had something “interesting” in my coffee or something - now I know it wasn’t me (still isn’t)!

Hopefully this won’t turn out to be too much of a problem … .

Correct, there is a problem!

Sounds ominous - probably best if I say nothing further about it for the time being … .

Good luck,


@website_manager is there a way for a moderator to split posts from one thread into a new one? May be missing the obvious but I can’t se one


(How to split the topic in discourse? - support - Discourse Meta)

Looking at the above do you have to create a new topic first, with a title like ‘Rich’s split Topic’, then move the selected post(s) into that topic?


Sadly there have been people who deleted information when they left, which is why there was a 24 hour edit period for a member. So I’d suggest having a limited edit window, but that this could be say a week?

The difference is with this software there is a rollback button, so if you edit a post with a click of a button it can be restored. More so this is clever enough to store multiple iterations of a topic.
I guess the question for @website_manager is, can we set it so that you can’t delete a thread after 24 hours but can edit the content. That way a mod can definitely restore a topic should some vengeful halfwit decide they want to act like a 5 year old

This poses another question - if someone’s likely to carry on like this, was their “contribution” really worth having in the first place? If someone’s enough of a petty jerk to even think of behaving like this, are they even worth knowing? I know what I think.

I could also make a pretty good guess what they’d think of my opinion - of yours - of anyone else’s but theirs. Quite frankly, if this is all that certain individuals are capable of, then good riddance to them. They will not be missed - certainly not by me - probably not by anyone who used to think they knew them.

I won’t pretend to be diplomatic about that sort of scum - they haven’t earned my respect and they won’t get it. It could be argued that they just “don’t get it”. Whatever.

Anyway, I doubt if any contributions I make to sites like this are worth much - but, even if they were, I wouldn’t go round deleting any informative content in my posts just to spite someone. What would that achieve - and what would it say about the spirit in which I’d posted anything in the first place?

I’m trying to imagine a situation in which I’d want to “burn bridges”. The nearest was with another society - whose forum site filled up with vitriolic “internal politics” ahead of an AGM, not long after I joined.

I was nearly driven out of that society by all of that stuff - but, in the end, I decided to stay and make my membership there work for me - I’ve since renewed my membership.

However, if I had left, I wouldn’t have touched any existing posts. Instead, I would just have posted a comment immediately following some of the political garbage. I would have made it clear that I hadn’t joined for the silly political games that had driven me out - and that I had nothing against the decent majority. I would also have left an email address on which I could be contacted.

That’s all I would have done - no “trashing the site” - no deleting posts / information which somebody else might potentially have found helpful - none of that nonsense.

Quite simply, if people aren’t mature enough to leave their content on a website, I wonder if they’re really mature enough to be real members of hobby societies - societies composed of “grown ups”.

Why should any of us give these jerks the perverse satisfaction of feeling that they might have beaten us. Trust me - they have not.

Are attachments stored as well, so they can be restored?

I will give that a test

Not entirely sure as to the result as for some reason I couldnt see the roll back button to get it to roll back

However there are some functions that help protect us from the idiot destroying their content. the 20 character limit couple with the requirement for it to make a coherent sentence means you cant just delete the text in a post (or just spam the keyboard to add the 20 characters of text).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

In Huw’s post he’s now deleted to test the roll back functionality, he mentions not being able to upload .pdf files.

Is it possible to add functionality to upload more than just images? as uploading pdfs and xls files (for the UPDate index) would be useful, but not the end of the world if not as I can link from elsewhere (PDFs would probably in the case of UPDate be the wiki, but with the storage issues effecting the wiki and forum, this might not be a good long term solution unless the wiki is planned to come to discourse or something similar as well).

OK - so the software has let me delete / hide a post with a quote in it.

It didn’t let me edit a post back to nothing - but allowed editing back to “lipsum”.

As for my plan to edit a picture out of a post - and completely removing a post with a picture, this was scuppered because it wouldn’t let me upload PDFs.

I’ll try again with the drawing I put up a few days ago - in 2 separate posts.

After posting them, I’ll try to strip the picture out of one - and completely remove the other, so you can see if you can restore them.

What I would ask is that, afterwards, they’re both deleted.

I’d also ask if the same drawing can also be deleted from my post of a few days ago - I wanted to do this at the time, but the software decided the picture had been up too long!