DEMU Members Feedback on Discourse

Just spoke to a friend about this who is fairly senior policy expert at Facebook/Meta. It’s definitely in our rights to disallow deletion of content and TsCs the right way to do this. She suggested some wording to me.


Sounds good.

Would I be correct in assuming that, the first time anyone signs into the new site, they’ll be presented with a set of terms they’ll need to agree to, if they want to get any further?

I’d hesitate to call it “an offer they can’t refuse”.

Let’s face it - I’m not expecting anyone to encounter a horse’s head - or a suggestion that, in five minutes, either their brains or their signature will be on a piece of paper - “tempting” as such a scenario might perhaps be in some cases … .

Anyway, I know that nobody here would resort to that sort of “subtlety” - everyone round here is far too reasonable for stuff like that … .

In case anyone’s wondering about the references to The Godfather, some people will be aware that it’s 50 years since the original film found its way into cinemas.

There’s also an “in-joke” in my family. I’m godfather to my brother’s teenage kids - and was presented with a DVD box set of The Godfather at my niece’s christening. More recently, I received a similarly themed T shirt - which I hung up facing the laptop PC I use whenever I’m on Zoom.

It goes without saying that I’ve never used (or threatened) any sort of violence in my life - I’m one of the quietest, mildest mannered, people you’re ever likely to meet!

Of course, this is why a number of members of my family are amused by references to The Godfather.

Anyway, back to the trains - and, hopefully, useful material posted on the site, that doesn’t “vanish” like full sized trains at the moment … .

I have had a play, I started a new topic, posted quite a lot of photos in several post. Is the limit of five one set by discourse or by us (DEMU)?

I was able to edit in captions to the photos, that is better than the old forum.

I wasn’t able to add a tag “1960s” to the the topic.

Tags are something admins have to add currently. It was discussed a few times earlier in this thread.

I could also imagine some people wanting to know what tags are all about - I’m sure that stuff like this will be explained with the migration, whenever that is … .

I would imagine the easiest thing would be for someone or a small group to put together a guide to using this platform and how things like tags work etc. Discourse itself has resources for explaining things, taking those and making them applicable for DEMU shouldn’t be too difficult a chore to accomplish.

Of course, this all depends upon Guy’s experiments with data migration and whether we indeed do stick with Discourse going forward. I’m sure Guy will have some answers by the AGM at the earliest to let everyone know the state of play.

It will be interesting to hear what he has to say on this issue - then see what happens (and when).

Any time scales planned for any move?

I’m hoping silence is a good thing

Same here!

I guess time will tell … .